ADHD Affected by seasonal allergies


Ever wonder why ADHD child’s symptoms seem worse at certain periods of the year? Doctors from the Long Island College Hospital recently discovered that seasonal allergies can worsen the symptoms of ADHD. It’s long been known that children with ADHD are more likely to suffer from allergies than other children, and these findings provide increasing support rigorous evaluation period and drug-free, natural ADHD management.

The study was presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, involved 20 adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. All participants had a family history of chronic allergies, but only two had been previously tested for allergy symptoms. At the beginning of the study participants were screened for allergic rhinitis and given a blood test to check if allergic to dogs, cats, feathers, trees, grass, mold and cockroaches. These tests showed that eight of the teenagers had atopic asthma, allergic rhinitis were three, and nine scored positive on allergy tests at least once. Fifteen were also found to have at least two symptoms of allergy.

These findings led the researchers to conclude that children and adolescents with ADHD can be diagnosed allergies, and some of their symptoms could worsen from allergies themselves and sleep problems they cause (eg nasal obstruction at night). The researchers also made strong recommendations that children with ADHD to test for allergies to help them overcome their symptoms.

And what do you do when you find that your ADHD child is triggered by environmental allergies? First, find out what your child is allergic to. Traditional allergy tests can tell if mold, dust, pollen, or animal fur is responsible for the symptoms of the child. However, it is also possible for the child to be allergic to food; for this you need a specialized test as manual muscle testing. Allergic reactions to food can be avoided by placing the child on ADHD diet

Here are some tips that will keep your allergic reactions under control, without the use of drugs :.

  • Vacuum at least once a week with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. This will prevent dust from flying in the air.
  • Give your child dust mask before you go out in the spring and fall. It may look silly, but a dust mask can actually presented pollen, dust and air pollution, mold spores. Research from Woodcock Institute of Medical Research gave 70 adults with fall allergies either mock filter or pollen filter. The subjects sat for two hours in the park known for high concentrations of pollen in the air. Paper filters were able to prevent or reduce allergies as sniffles, sneezing, watery eyes, itching, and itchy throat.
  • Use a dehumidifier to control the development of molds in the house, especially in basements and attics.
  • Try Pycnogenol supplementation. Pycnogenol extraction, French maritime pine tree, has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe allergy symptoms and help kids with ADHD. In a randomized, placebo-controlled study of Masah University of Medical Science looked at 26 patients with asthma and found that those who took Pycnogenol supplements had lower levels of inflammatory related asthma attacks.
  • Please try butterbur. According to a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of Nine Wells Hospital, this herb can block the Biochemicals that provoke allergic reaction to grass pollen.


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