Allergies in dogs


Allergies are one of the most common complaints among dog owners. Truly, do not have too many puppies allergies for the first time, but many are already becoming sensitive components in their environment. If the puppy already shows signs of allergies and some do not hesitate to get it treated. You may ward off trouble lifetime if you get a handle on it early. Hypersensitivity to get worse every year if it is not treated.

allergy usually realized in the form of small rash, rash, hair loss, itching, moist or oozing dermatitis and ear infections. Dogs of wash, chewing, scratching and rubbing to reduce the perception which in turn makes them worse.

How allergic inflammation

Allergy is so that your dog can be exposed to the pathogen one year and show no outward signs of cancer … this time. Next time he comes in contact, it will create a reaction, maybe a little at first, but each time he is getting more sensitized and each time the response will be little or much worse. We often hear owners say, “he never had this problem before.” Yes, we know, that’s how it works.

Dogs can develop allergies to a variety of objects, such as grass, trees, shrubs, dust mites, molds, and typically … fleas. If your dog has any allergies, it will take very little to put a histamine reaction in his body. Dogs are usually allergic component to their skin touches rather than something they inhale. They may be allergic to pollen, but it is usually a contact problem, inhaler, one as a people.

common cause

Fleas are the most common cause of allergies by far. You can not even think your dog has fleas, but it might just take a bit put off. One of the most important things you can do to protect him against fleas. Protect him hard and often. It is a very good product on the market now as far as possible, Frontline, Revolution, and Sentinel. A couple of these have simple blood tests before they can be used because they also protect against heart worms. You must always make sure that your dog is not infected before the heartworm medication.


It is also important to treat not only your pet but also the environment as well as you can. Fleas can live anywhere. They live quite nicely in your garden, grass, sand, dirt, carpet, bedding and anywhere else you can think of. And are resilient. Perseverance is a must. One study showed that fleas were found in the Arctic turns nest was thawed out and found to be still viable after being frozen for a long time.

The fleas life cycle will be broken to get any advantage over depleting their population. Treat the house, yard, and your pets. Make sure that you use products that are safe for all your pets. Cats and other small animals can be very sensitive to toxins. Please never use over the counter products unless they are recommended by a veterinarian. Many of the products that are sold in stores are very dangerous and can be deadly, especially cats.

treat allergies

There are many ways to treat your dog if he develops allergies. If it is not too bad you can only have minor flare ups in summer can be treated with oatmeal baths and antihistamines. The dogs really suffer often require year round treatment, or at least aggressive treatment with sensitive times of the year. A treatment may include injections of steroids, antihistamines and steroid tablets, special diets, flea products and frequent soothing baths.


Less than 10% of dogs have allergies are allergic to what they eat. We often do that leap on our own because there are so many allergies with the human population. Not so with your dog. While it is quite possible. It is usually not the best place to start looking for solutions. Many dog ​​food companies have created a diet for those dogs that are sensitive to their diet, however. Height and Recipe Nature is among the leaders. They make a variety of foods with ingredients that your dog will not come in contact with. They may include venison, duck, whitefish, lamb, rice and potatoes.

The trick to rule out food allergy is to eliminate anything that they may put in their mouths, and it will take up to 60 days to clear from their system. You may only change their diet but also eliminate the entertainment but they are just hand-outs of the same cookie he gets to meals. You will have him eat of stainless bowls. You must remove all chew toys like rawhide and cow hooves. This sounds easy but it will be maintained sincerely or not, or else it will all be for naught. The contact will set you back to the beginning.

Environmental allergies

Dogs and usually allergic to more than one antigen. Most people will respond to varying degrees in many different parts that come in contact with. Although dogs are often allergic to pollens, it is usually not due to inhalation, but due to skin contact. If the dog has a severe sensitivity to grass, for example, you may need to wash off his feet every time he comes outside. Even just rinse it will prevent further participation. He may have baths several times a week but only with certain forms of treatment and direction of a veterinarian. Improper could increase instead of helping the problem.

Dog allergies usually come in the form of dermatitis, some kind of inflammation of the skin, itching, redness, hair loss, scratching, oozing and ear infections. The animals are truly miserable and inconsolable. If you can get by with a few treatments in the season you should consider yourself lucky that allergies go. If you have a dog that is sensitive to any or all in high sensitive at certain times of the year you may need to explore allergy testing and injections.

allergy testing

Allergy testing is the best way to decide what you are fighting and how best to handle it. The tests are conducted either in the form of a skin test as part of the dog’s water and tiny amounts of potential allergens are injected under the skin, or to see what he could respond to. The areas are regularly monitored for signs of reaction. Another blood test where dogs blood is drawn and sent to a special laboratory that just makes this type of work blood. The results can take a week or two but the answers are no further insult to the dog’s skin.

An blood test will tell you not only what they are allergic to, but how they are allergic. It will show titration, or the number of normal to help you and your veterinarian understand how serious it is. The test will cover 20 or more different possible pathogens that are prominent in your part of the country and test blood to all of them. You can also try food allergies in this way.

One other benefit of blood tests is that you need not only a veterinarian and experience but you are also a laboratory to help guide him through extensive and systematic knowledge. Labs will lead you through many types of treatments that may be at home and the vet.


When blood work has determined what the dog is allergic, the lab can antigen therapy dog ​​will undergo to start de-sensitizing him. The antigen vial containing a syringe and sterile form of what the dog is allergic. Slight subcutaneous injection and at regular intervals and strength to allow dogs body to begin to build a tolerance to it. This can take months and may need to do every so often to maintain the effect, but it is the most promising form of treatment.

If your dog has severe allergies you and your veterinarian will be well presented so make sure you and your dog are comfortable with them and their work. Allergies can be expensive, infuriating, frustrating and time-consuming, but they can almost always be alleviated.
