Allergies, Insomnia and constipation are the leading symptoms of nervous exhaustion


When these electrical bundles or leads become jangled, clogged, according stimulated or blocked in any way, the body loses its dynamic and ever changing balance – affect this balance and contains all especially the nervous system, digestive and circulatory system muscles and joints. Body pollution accumulates. Allergies are one of the many health imbalances that occur.

Integrative Medicine operate electrical reset as one of the most effective treatments to eliminate allergies. This treatment has many advantages, including being able to desensitize common and rare hypersensitivity

The main body is AHA! experience big wow. Worry, anxiety, insomnia and constipation symptoms lead to the induction of the electric system that is not working.

The energy in the body itself as a constant value, in constant state of flux and movement. You are like a human battery. All electricity. Everything charge. Your body is a field of energy that radiates out twelve feet according to science.

This power is organized in a very complex and specific ways. In orthodox or allopathic medicine these are called tracts, in Chinese medicine, dance mare and Ayurveda, chakras or marble staircases. When these electrical bundles or leads become jangled, clogged, according stimulated or blocked in any way, your body will lose the dynamic and ever changing balance. This affects balance and contains all especially the nervous system, digestive and circulatory system muscles and joints.

Integrative Medicine operate electrical reset as one of the most effective treatments to eliminate allergies.

this treatment has many advantages, including being able to desensitize common and rare allergy.

Other benefits include relaxation of the nervous system, increased traffic and gentle detoxification and increased efficiency of electric and subtle energy system. Again, when allergic code is broken in an electric body, you become allergy free.

Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that these meridians or microscopic transport routes of energy throughout the body and are the source of energy.

This energy is called chi or qi (pronounced chee), and literally translated as air or life force. There are two main types of Qi, the life force you’re born with and Qi you get from sleep, food and fresh air

Allergies can interrupt and call response from the Meridian system millions of times a day .. When the reaction is enough big jam electricity Meridian channel and cause chemical in the body, we call it allergies. The Meridian energy system is used to treat the problem, to bring the body back to normal as quickly as possible with the least amount of invasion. Meridian treatments are administered using acupressure -No needles! this is a big reason why these treatments are so effective in children

Chinese medicine is based on qi, yin / yang, and faith in the five basic elements :. fire, water, ether, earth and air. These are the five main components all men, living and dead creatures.

The British Medical Journal in 1937, Sir Thomas Lewis reported that he had found physical evidence of “unknown nervous system.” This system, he said, was composed of minute lines. This energy lines detected from the surface of the skin connecting the intestines and organs. What Lewis felt the West was the Meridian system, known by the Eastern health practitioners for thousands of years.

When Qi is disturbed brain swimming worry, anxiety, constipation and insomnia occur. This static sets the stage for allergies.

Ayurveda (ah-Vay-dah) also known as the science of life is a universal medical system which is believed to be over six thousand years old. It focuses on subtle energy in all things, but also the thoughts, feelings and actions. The state of each ‘health based on a relationship of three major energy system called doshas (DOH-Shahs) that are nervous, digestive systems and tissues of the body. Ayurveda not forward the idea that the disease is caused by microbial, bacterial and / or pollen. disease condition is caused when there is a weakness or dysfunction of one or more of dosha energy system that locks the body of dis-ease.
